Hey kids, I'll buy you anything you want, even a Nintendo DS

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NIKON D70 - 1/500 sec, f8 at 29mm

We've been trying to get the giblets to learn their times tables, (via various methods), so far with little success.

First we tried the carrot method where we rewarded the little buggers if they spent time learning them. Paid them money if they passed tests. Gave them treats if they showed they were learning. None of the carrot methods worked very well. And the constant praising was wearing me down. Modern parenting methods my arse.

So next we tried the stick method where we sat them down and forced them to learn them and thrashed them every time they got 7 x 8 wrong. After 4 consecutive nights thrashing the kids to within an inch of their little lives, I was getting weary of all the screaming.

Sarah wants a Nintendo DS. I have no idea why. This afternoon she was figuring out how she could save or earn the money for one. There was some talk of us paying her to do the dishes after dinner. She wanted 10 cents for every item she washed and dried. Like bloody hell.

But I had a new idea. I told her that I'd buy her a Nintendo thingamabob if she learned her times tables to my satisfaction. I'd also buy her all the games she could carry. With renewed vigor she was off learning the 9 times tables. Not to be outdone, I told Alice I'd buy her anything she wants if she does the same. She suggested a car. Sure thing love, do the math thing and I'll get you your own BMW!

The Photo

The giblets after some potatoshop loving. They are cuter than they are good at math. So far!

Map of the photo location
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Posted: Wednesday, 29 August, 2007 21:59

Captured: 2007:07:19 16:23:30

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  • Wait, is that... no... backlighting? Nice shot Spud. Good to see giblet #2 holding up that tree - would hate for it to fall over (the tree - not the giblet - OK, bedtime for me)
    seriocomic - Wednesday, 29 August, 2007 22:08
  • Yep, backlighting. I'm in love with lighting at the moment. And I have no idea what giblet #2 was doing. I told her to work the camera and give me her best moves, and that's all she had. Models, huh?
    Dave - Wednesday, 29 August, 2007 22:16
  • amazing how far you can push kids with a little bribary. you used to work well with 16 litres of orange chocolate chip icecream
    Ma - Thursday, 30 August, 2007 10:30
  • Still don't know my timetables. Wonder if an icecream would help.
    Nova - Saturday, 1 September, 2007 17:00

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